Past Projects

Aonachadh: integrating biodiversity and finance
Funding: £143,000 from NERC (2023-2024)
Role: PI
Defra blended finance trials for proposed ELMS support scheme, North Devon Biosphere
Funding: £48,038 from Devon Biosphere Reserve (2023)
Role: Co-I
Development of an Agroforestry Carbon Code
Funding: £100,000 from Environment Agency Natural Environment Investment (2022-2023) Readiness Fund
Role: Co-I
Tropical peatland climate resilience: transforming governance of climate risks for poverty reduction in Indonesia, Peru and the Congo Basin
Funding: £200K from the British Academy (2021-2023)
Role: co-PI with Dianna Kopansky (UNEP)
Feasibility study for a UK Farm Soil Carbon Code
Funding: £100,000 from Environment Agency Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
Role: Co-I
Feasibility study for a UK Saltmarsh Code: Evidence, Intervention and Investment
Funding: £100,000 from Environment Agency Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
Role: Co-I
Extending the Peatland Code to lowland peats: Chat Moss feasibility study
Funding: £100,000 from Environment Agency Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund
Role: Co-I
Development of an Agroforestry Carbon Code
Funding: £100,000 from Environment Agency Natural Environment Investment (2022-2023) Readiness Fund
Role: Co-I
Research with Supply-Side Actors in Scotland’s Peatland Natural Capital Markets
Funding: £83,000 from Scottish Government (2022-2023)
Role: Joint PI (with Brady Stevens)
Resilient dairy: socio-technical innovation for dairy resilience and sustainability
Funding: £1.5M from the Global Food Security Programme with support from BBSRC, ESRC, NERC and Scottish Government (2017-2022)
Role: PI
Mobilsing private investment in natural capital: action research to build the investment case for a Scotland Carbon Fund and Price Floor Mechanism
Funding: £112K from Scottish Government
Role: Co-I
Aligning the Peatland Code with the UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Funding: £60,000 from Defra (2021)
Role: Co-investigator
Strategic Advisory Group on land acquisition for carbon
Funding: £21,000 from Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) and University Innovation Fund (2021-2022)
Role: PI and Chair
Regional Land Use Partnerships and the natural capital approach
Funding: £47K from Scottish Government via ClimateXChange (2021-2022)
Role: PI
The potential for carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions in Scotland
Funding: £20K from Scottish Government via ClimateXChange (2021-2022)
Role: Co-I
Uplandia: barriers and opportunities to implementing the England Peat Strategy
Funding: £98,000 from Natural England and Defra (2018-2021)
Role: PI
Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe
Funding: €403,000 Work Package leader in €7.6M project from EU Horizon 2020 (2015-2020)
Role: Work Package leader
Understanding ecostytem stocks and tipping points in UK blanket peatlands
Funding: £456,000 from NERC Valuing Nature Programme (2016-2019)
Role: Principal Investigator
Global Peatlands Network
Funding: £78,554 from Global Challenges Research Fund, ESRC Impact Accelerator and Research England Higher Education Innovation Fund (2017-2020)
Role: Principal Investigator
Developing network ecology to understand and secure resilient food systems in Brazil and Argentina
Funding: £444,083 from Royal Society (2019-2021)
Role: Project Partner
Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies (SUPER-G)
Funding: €200,000 Work Package €10M project from EU Horizon 2020 (2019-2024)
Role: Co-Investigator
SWEETeners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability (SWEET)
Funding: €180,000 Work Package €9M project from EU Horizon 2020 (2019-2024)
Role: Co-Investigator
Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) Test and Trial
Funding: £104,000 sub-contract as part of a £287,000 project from Defra
Role: Co-Investigator
STFC Food Security Network+
Funding: £363,968 from STFC (2017-2019)
Role: Co-Investigator
Achieving sustainable intensification by integrating livestock into arable systems – opportunities and impacts
Funding: £8,000 from Defra (2018-2019)
Role: Co-I
Voices of veterinary experience
Funding: £7,650 from ESRC Impact Accelerator Fund (2016-17)
Role: PI with Susan Bradley and Philip Lowe
International Task Force for the CGIAR programme on Dryland Systems
Funding: £17,000 from Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) (2015-16)
Role: Co-Investigator
How best to assist communities to engage with decisions on land use, land management, and related services. Review of various tools and approaches to empowering communities in rural Scotland
Funding: £55K from Scottish Government
Role: Co-Investigator (2015)
Advancing knowledge on the costs, benefits, trade-offs of sustainable land management in southern Africa’s rangelands
Funding: €199,000 from the United Nations (Economics of Land Degradation Initiative)
Role: Co-Investigator (2014-15)
Impulse Report for United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Funding: €30,000 from United Nations
Role: Principal Investigator (2014-15)
Delivery of the Water Framework Directive through collaborative action between civil society and the private sector
Funding: £17,000 from WWF
Role: Co-Investigator (2015)
Peatland Action
Funding: £99,000 from Scottish Natural Heritage
Role: Co-Investigator (2014-15)
Stakeholder deliberation & valuation of Peak District moorland management options framed within a payment for ecosystem services scheme
Funding: £12,000 from Defra
Role: Co-Investigator (2014)
Review of the impact of the Scottish Government
rural and environment strategic research portfolio
on policy and practice
Funding: £40,000 from Scottish Government
Role: Co-Investigator (2014)
BiodivERsA stakeholder engagement toolkit:
case studies
Funding: £12,000 from Joint Nature Conservation Council
Role: Co-Investigator (2013-14)
Developing the evidence base on Payments for
Ecosystem Service Beneficiaries in England
Funding: £75,000 from Defra (2013-14)
Role: Co-Investigator
Mapping, analysis and improved understanding of stakeholder groups to help sustain honey bee health
Funding: £115,000 from DEFRA (2012-2014)
Role: Principal Investigator
Shared Values Work Package, National Ecosystem Assessment (follow-on)
Funding: £264,000 from DEFRA, Welsh Government, NERC, ESRC and AHRC (2012-2013)
Role: Principal Investigator (joint PI with Jasper Kenter)
Visitor Giving - Payments for Ecosystem Services Pilot
Funding: £25,000 from DEFRA (2012-13)
Role: Principal Investigator
Peatland Code - Payments for Ecosystem Services Pilot
Funding: £25,000 from DEFRA (2012-13)
Role: Principal Investigator
Developing a Payment for Ecosystem Service scheme to provide revenues to moorland land-owners and/or occupiers participating in peatland restoration in Exmoor and Dartmoor, SW England
Funding: £25,000 from NERC and South West Water (2012-13)
Role: Project Manager and Advisor
Valuing nature’s services: moving towards payments for ecosystem services and conservation credits in the English Uplands
Funding: £40,000 from DEFRA and Natural England (2012-13)
Role: Co-Investigator
Involved - what makes stakeholder participation work?
Funding: £120,000 from the British Academy (Research Development Award) (2009-2012)
Role: Principal Investigator
Valuing Peatlands: Assessing and valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management
Funding: £43,037 from NERC Valuing Nature Network (2011-12)
Role: Principal Investigator
Ecosystem Markets Taskforce Phase 2
Funding: £110,000 from DEFRA (2011-12)
Role: Member of Expert Roster
Payment for Ecosystem Services Best Practice Guidance
Funding: £100,000 from DEFRA (2011-12)
Role: Co-Investigator
Sustainable Uplands: learning to manage future
Funding: £1.1M from the Rural Economy & Land Use
(RELU) programme, ESRC and Living With Environmental
Change (LWEC) partnership (2005-2011)
Role: Principal Investigator
Managing Environmental Change at the Fringe
Funding: £200,000 from RELU and LWEC (2010-2011)
Role: Co-Investigator
Barriers & Opportunities to the Use of Payments
for Ecosystem Services
Funding: £58,000 from Defra (2010-2011)
Role: Co-Investigator
Realising the Potential Contributions of Scotland’s Rural Land to Delivering Sustainable
Economic Growth
Funding: £55,000 from Scottish Government (2009)
Role: Co-Investigator
Behaviour for Well-being, Environment & Life
Funding: £249,000 from ESRC/BBSRC/MRC (2009-2010)
Role: Co-Investigator and Work Package leader
Ecocycles: Interacting impacts of land use and climate changes on ecosystem processes:
from cyclic herbivores to predators of conservation concern
Funding: €1.5M from NERC and EU Framework 6
Role: Co-Investigator
Desertification Mitigation & Remediation of Land (DESIRE)
Funding: €9m from EU Framework 6 (2006-2011)
Role: Work Package leader & University of Leeds
Principal Investigator