Journals Articles & Books
Featured Articles
Reed, MS, Jensen E, McCarthy J, Rudman H (2023)
Governing high-integrity ecosystem markets
Reed, MS, Rudman, H. (2022)
Re-thinking research impact: voice, context and power at the interface of science, policy and practice
Sustainability Science
Reed, MS, D.M. Young, N.G. Taylor, R. Andersen, N.G.A. Bell, H. Cadillo-Quiroz, M. Grainger, A. Heinemeyer, K. Hergoualc’h, A.M. Gerrand, J. Kieft, H. Krisnawati, E.A. Lilleskov, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, L. Melling, H. Rudman, S. Sjogersten, J.S. Walker, G. Stewart
Peatland core domain sets: building consensus on what should be measured in research and monitoring
Mires and Peat Volume 28 (2022) Article 26
Journal article
Launch Video
Reed, MS, Curtis T, Kendall H, Gosal A, Andersen SP, Ziv G, Attlee A, Hay M, Hill D, Martin-Ortega J, Martino S, Olesen AS, Prior S, Rodgers C, Rudman H, Tanneberger F, Waylen K (2022)
Integrating ecosystem markets to co-ordinate landscape-scale public benefits from nature.
PLOS ONE 17(1): e0258334.
Journal article
Reed, MS, Fazey I (2021)
Impact culture: transforming how Universities tackle 21st century challenges.
Frontiers in Sustainability 2: 662296. doi:10.3389/frsus.2021.662296
Journal article
Launch Video
Reed, MS, Ferre M, Martin-Ortega J, Blanche R, Dallimer M, Lawford-Rolfe R, Holden J (2021)
Evaluating research impact: a methodological framework.
Research Policy 50(1):104147
Journal article
Reichard B, Reed, MS, Chubb J, Hall G, Jowett L, Paert A (2020)
Writing Impact Case Studies: A comparative study of high-scoring and low-scoring case studies from REF2014.
Palgrave Communications 6: 31
Journal article
Reed, MS, Vella S, Challies E, de Vente J, Frewer L, Hohenwallner-Ries D, Huber T, Neumann RK, Oughton EA, Sidoli del Ceno J, van Delden H. (2018)
Restoration Ecology 26: S7-S17.
Journal article
Reed MS (2022) Impact Culture. Fast Track Impact
Reed MS (2018) The Research Impact Handbook. 2nd Edition, Fast Track Impact

Reed MS (2017) The Productive Researcher. Fast Track Impact.
Reed MS, Stringer LC (2016) Land degradation, desertification and climate change: Anticipating, assessing and adapting to future change. Routledge.
Journal manuscripts under review and in preparation
Waller, L., Cox, E., Binner, A., Cantillo, T., Everett, R., Henwood, K., Ingram, J., Morris, C., O’Sullivan, K., Pidgeon, N., Price, C., Reed MS, Roberts, E., Silvestri, A., and Bellamy, R. (under review) Responsible research and innovation of carbon removal: demonstration projects as test sites? Journal of Responsible Innovation
Reed MS, Kopansky D, Beechener S, Green A, Scheel P, Kendrick I, Ifo AS, Ewango C, Honorio Coronado EN, Hidalgo Pizangog CG, Martin Brañas M, del Aguila Villacorta M, Kristanty B, Krisnawati H, Fazey I, Page S, Stringer LC, Maynard C, Kieft J, Curtis T, Allen S, Costa-Fonta M (in prep.) Transforming tropical peatland governance to manage climate risks using the Three Horizons method.
Reed MS, Young D, Bain C, Baird A, Evans C, Dallimer M, Glenk K, Goodyer E, Jones L, Kenter J, Martin-Ortega J, Martino S, Pearce-Higgins J, Stewart G, Whittingham M (in prep.) Can restoration delay or stop tipping points being reached in the provision of ecosystem services from peatlands?
Hansda R, Martin J, Saxby H, Post J, Garrod G, Proctor A, Collins O, Guy JA, Oakley N, Reed MS (in prep.) Taking account of social and cultural factors in policy design: a case study of English peatland policy
Kendall H, Reed MS, Rodgers C (under review) Collaborative landscape-scale environmental land management: Farmer and landowner perspectives and experiences of privately funded ecosystem service markets. Land Use Policy
Reed MS, Jensen E, McCarthy J, Rudman H (under review) Governing high-integrity markets for ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services
Pearce-Higgins JW, Reed MS et al. (in prep.) No single future policy scenario maximises abundance across nine upland bird species in the UK
Jensen, E.A., Reed, M.S., Daybell, J., Rutt, R., Arrigoni, G., Ballesteros, M., Bhanbhro, S., Garramon Merkle, B., Hafferty, C., Iglehart, P., Khuri, S., Klimczuk, A., Marder, I.D., Milosavljevic, D., Pacheco-Mendoza, J.R., Robinson, S., Stringer, L.C., Taylor, S. and Toomey, A.H. (under review) Responsible research impact: ethics for making a difference. Open Research Europe.
International peer-reviewed journal articles
* corresponding author
Glass J, Waylen K, Reed MS (in press) Natural capital approaches to decision-making for collaborative landscape governance. Environmental Science & Policy
Jensen EA, Noles S, Reed MS, Lang P (in press) How can a research program influence public policy? Evaluating a decade of research impact using an evidence-based theory of change. Environmental Science & Policy
Reed MS, Poland M, Everett R (in pres) Do ‘side events’ at international policy conferences actually make a difference? An evaluation of the impact of the Global Peatlands Pavilion at UNFCCC COP26. Mires & Peat
Ingram J, Reed MS, Maye D. (in press) Contestations in the emerging soil-based carbon economy: towards a research agenda. Sustainability Science
Reed MS, Jensen JA, Kendall H, Noles S, Raley M, Tarrant A, Oakley N, Hinson C, Hoare V (in press) Analyzing who is relevant to engage in decision-making processes by interests, influence and impact: the 3i methodological framework. Journal of Environmental Management
Hafferty C, Reed MS, Brockett BF, Orford S, Berry R, Short C, Davis J (2024) Engagement in the digital age: Understanding “what works” for participatory technologies in environmental decision-making. Journal of Environmental Management 365: 121365.
Reed MS and 31 others (2024) Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world. Sustainability Science
Euridice Nora Honorio Coronado, Christopher Schulz, Manuel Martín Brañas, Jhon del Águila Pasquel, Margarita del Aguila Villacorta, Nállarett Dávila Cardozo, Cesar Jimmy Córdova Oroche, Gabriel García Mendoza, Marcos A. Ríos Paredes, Lydia E.S. Cole, Elvis Charpentier Uraco, Sofía Valdivia Alarcón, Vanessa Vargas Bernuy, Danae Delgado Amasifuen, Rodi Paima Roque, Welinton Marín Reyna, Gonzalo M. Isla Reátegui, Wendy Dávila Tuesta, Timothy R. Baker, Reed MS, 2023. Los humedales y turberas en los territorios indígenas urarinas: usos, manejo y carbono almacenado. In Donde Habitan los Neba: Naturaleza, Cultura e Impactos Ambientales en los Territorios del Pueblo Urarina (pp. 57-87). Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana.
Reed MS, Jensen E, McCarthy J, Rudman H (2023) Governing high-integrity ecosystem markets EarthArXiv
Raymond CM, Hirsch P, Norton B, Scott A, Reed MS, (2023) Rethinking the appropriateness of environmental decisions: Connecting interest and identity negotiation with plural valuation. Environmental Values
Reed MS, Curtis T, Kendall H, Gosal A, Andersen SP, Ziv G, Attlee A, Hay M, Hill D, Martin-Ortega J, Martino S, Olesen AS, Prior S, Rodgers C, Rudman H, Tanneberger F, Waylen K (2022) Integrating ecosystem markets to co-ordinate landscape-scale public benefits from nature. PLOS ONE 17(1): e0258334.
Reed MS, Rudman, H. (2022) Re-thinking research impact: voice, context and power at the interface of science, policy and practice Sustainability Science 18: 967–981.
MS Reed, D.M. Young, N.G. Taylor, R. Andersen, N.G.A. Bell, H. Cadillo-Quiroz, M. Grainger, A. Heinemeyer, K. Hergoualc’h, A.M. Gerrand, J. Kieft, H. Krisnawati, E.A. Lilleskov, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, L. Melling, H. Rudman, S. Sjogersten, J.S. Walker, G. Stewart Peatland core domain sets: building consensus on what should be measured in research and monitoring
Mires and Peat Volume 28 (2022) Article 26
Reed MS, Gent S, Seballos F, Glass J, Hansda R, Fischer-Møller M (2022) How can impact strategies be developed that better support universities to address twenty-first-century challenges? Research For All 6: 24.
Martino S, Kenter J, Albers N, Reed MS, Whittingham MJ, Young D, Pearce-Higgins J (2022) Trade-offs between the natural environment and recreational infrastructure: A case study about peatlands under different management scenarios. Land Use Policy 123: 106401
Reed MS, Barbrook-Simpson P (2022) Complex systems methods for impact evaluation: lessons from the evaluation of an environmental boundary organisation, Mires & Peat 34
Rudman, H., Hart, B., English, M., Turner, C., Fuentes-Montemayor, E. and Reed MS, 2022. Traps, Apps and Maps: to what extent do they provide decision-grade data on biodiversity?. Scottish Geographical Journal, pp.1-19.
Reed MS, Chapman, P.J., Ziv, G., Stewart, G., Kendall, H., Taylor, A. and Kopansky, D., 2022. Improving the evidence base for delivery of public goods from public money in agri-environment schemes. Emerald Open Research, 2(57), p.57.
Glass, J., McMorran, R., Currie, M., McKee, A., Pinker, A., Reed MS, Meador, E. and Markantoni, M., 2022. Translating community resilience theory into practice: A deliberative Delphi approach. Sociologia Ruralis.
Hessel, R., Wyseure, G., Panagea, I.S., Alaoui, A., Reed MS, Van Delden, H., Muro, M., Mills, J., Oenema, O., Areal, F. and Van den Elsen, E., 2022. Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Sustainable and Profitable Farming in Europe. Land, 11(6), p.780.
Black, H.I.J., Reed MS, Kendall, H., Parkhurst, R., Cannon, N., Chapman, P.J., Orman, M., Phelps, J., Rudman, H., Whaley, S. and Yeluripati, J.B., 2022. What makes an operational Farm Soil Carbon Code? Insights from a global comparison of existing soil carbon codes using a structured analytical framework Carbon Management 13: 554-580.
Jensen, E.A., Wong, P. and Reed MS, 2022. How research data deliver non-academic impacts: A secondary analysis of UK Research Excellence Framework impact case studies. PloS one, 17(3), p.e0264914.
Monika Zurek, John Ingram, Angelina Sanderson Bellamy, Conor Goold, Christopher Lyon, Peter Alexander, Andrew Barnes, Daniel P. Bebber, Tom D. Breeze, Ann Bruce, Lisa M. Collins, Jessica Davies, Bob Doherty, Jonathan Ensor, Sofia C. Franco, Andrea Gatto, Tim Hess, Chrysa Lamprinopoulou, Lingxuan Liu, Magnus Merkle, Lisa Norton, Tom Oliver, Jeff Ollerton, Simon Potts, Reed MS, Chloe Sutcliffe, and Paul J.A. Withers, 2022. Food system resilience: concepts, issues, and challenges. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47.
Rust, N., Lunder, O.E., Iversen, S., Vella, S., Oughton, E.A., Breland, T.A., Glass, J.H., Maynard, C.M., McMorran, R. and Reed, MS 2022. Perceived Causes and Solutions to Soil Degradation in the UK and Norway. Land, 11(1), p.131.
Rust, N.A., Stankovics, P., Jarvis, R.M., Morris-Trainor, Z., de Vries, J.R., Ingram, J., Mills, J., Glikman, J.A., Parkinson, J., Toth, Z. and Hansda, R., 2022. Have farmers had enough of experts?. Environmental management, 69(1), pp.31-44.
Reed MS, Fazey I (2021) Impact culture: transforming how Universities tackle 21st century challenges. Frontiers in Sustainability 2: 662296. doi:10.3389/frsus.2021.662296
Bell, K. and Reed MS, 2021. The tree of participation: a new model for inclusive decision-making. Community Development Journal 2021: 1–20
Jensen, E.A., Reed MS, Jensen, A.M. and Gerber, A., 2021. Evidence-based research impact praxis: Integrating scholarship and practice to ensure research benefits society. Open Research Europe, 1(137), p.137.
Karcher, D.B., Cvitanovic, C., Colvin, R.M., van Putten, I.E. and Reed MS, 2021. Is this what success looks like? Mismatches between the aims, claims, and evidence used to demonstrate impact from knowledge exchange processes at the interface of environmental science and policy. Environmental Science & Policy, 125, pp.202-218.
Tresise, M.E., Reed MS and Chapman, P.J., 2021. Effects of hedgerow enhancement as a net zero strategy on farmland biodiversity: a rapid review. Emerald Open Research, 3, p.23.
Rust, N.A., Jarvis, R.M., Reed MS and Cooper, J., 2021. Framing of sustainable agricultural practices by the farming press and its effect on adoption. Agriculture and Human Values, 38(3), pp.753-765.
Vella, S., Carter, C. and Reed MS, 2021. What can we learn from anthropological practice to conduct socially just participatory action research?. Educational Action Research, 29(4), pp.526-552.
Martin-Ortega, J., Young, D.M., Glenk, K., Baird, A.J., Jones, L., Rowe, E.C., Evans, C.D., Dallimer, M. and Reed MS, 2021. Linking ecosystem changes to their social outcomes: Lost in translation. Ecosystem Services, 50, p.101327.
Reed MS, Ferre, M., Martin-Ortega, J., Blanche, R., Lawford-Rolfe, R., Dallimer, M. and Holden, J., 2021. Evaluating impact from research: A methodological framework. Research Policy, 50(4), p.104147.
König, H.J., Ceaușu, S., Reed MS, Kendall, H., Hemminger, K., Reinke, H., Ostermann‐Miyashita, E.F., Wenz, E., Eufemia, L., Hermanns, T. and Klose, M., 2021. Integrated framework for stakeholder participation: Methods and tools for identifying and addressing human–wildlife conflicts. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(3), p.e399.
Coyne, L., Kendall, H., Hansda, R., Reed MS and Williams, D.J.L., 2021. Identifying economic and societal drivers of engagement in agri-environmental schemes for English dairy producers. Land Use Policy, 101, p.105174.
Fazey, I., Hughes, C., Schäpke, N.A., Leicester, G., Eyre, L., Goldstein, B.E., Hodgson, A., Mason-Jones, A.J., Moser, S.C., Sharpe, B. and Reed MS, 2021. Renewing universities in our climate emergency: stewarding system change and transformation. Frontiers in Sustainability, p.54.
Rust NA, Jarvis RM, Reed MS, Cooper J (2021) The agenda setting role of the farming press in influencing adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. Agriculture and Human Values
Reichard B, Reed MS, Chubb J, Hall G, Jowett L, Paert A (2020) Writing Impact Case Studies: A comparative study of high-scoring and low-scoring case studies from REF2014. Palgrave Communications 6: 31
Coyne L, Kendall H, Hansda R, Reed MS, Williams DJL (2020) A mixed-methods study to explore the role of agri-environmental schemes on the resilience of the English dairy sector. Land Use Policy
Fazey I, Schapke N, Reed MS et al. (2020) Transforming knowledge systems for life on earth. Energy Research & Social Science
Rust N, Ptak EN, Graversgaard M, Iversen S, Reed MS, de Vries J, Ingram J, Mills J, Neumann R, Kjeldsen C, Muro M, Dalgaard T (2020) Social Capital Factors affecting Uptake of Soil-Improving Management Practices. A review. Emerald Open Research - Sustainable Food Systems 2:8
Wreford A, Martin S, Reed MS (2019) Evidence-informed climate policy: mobilising strategic research and pooling expertise for rapid evidence generation. Climatic Change
Rotz S, Duncan E, Small M, Botschner J, Dara R, Mosby I, Reed MS, Fraser EDG (2019) The Politics of Digital Agricultural Technologies: A Preliminary Review. Sociologia Ruralis
Evans CD, Baird AJ, Green SM, Page, S.E., Peacock, M., Reed MS, Rose, N.L., Stoneman, R., Thom, T.J., Young, D.M., Garnett, M.H. (2019). Comment on: “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long‐term carbon storage,” by Heinemeyer et al. Geo: Geography and Environment e00075.
Baird, A.J., Evans, C.D., Mills, R., Morris, P.J., Page, S.E., Peacock, M., Reed MS, Robroek, B.J.M., Stoneman R., Swindles, G.T., Thom T., Waddington, J.M., Young D.M. (2019). Managing peatlands with fire? Nature Geoscience
Reed MS, Vella S, Challies E, de Vente J, Frewer L, Hohenwallner-Ries D, Huber T, Neumann RK, Oughton EA, Sidoli del Ceno J, van Delden H. (2018) A theory of participation: what makes stakeholder and public engagement in environmental management work? Restoration Ecology 26: S7-S17.
Swart, J.A., Zevenberg, J., Ho, P., Cortina, J., Reed MS, Derak, M., Vella, S., Zhao, H. and van der Windt, H.J., 2018. Involving society in restoration and conservation. Restoration Ecology 26, pp.S3-S6.
Shackleton RT, Reed MS et al. (2018) Stakeholder engagement in invasion science. Biological Conservation
Wyborn C, Reed MS et al. (2018) Understanding the Impacts of Synthesis Research. Environmental Science and Policy
Thomas RJ, Reed MS, Clifton K, Appadurai AN, Mills AJ, Zucca C, Kodsi E, Sircely J, Haddad F, von Hagen C, Mapedza E, Woldearegay K, Shalander K, Bellon M, Le QB, Mabikke S, Alexander S, Leu S, Schlingloff S, Lala-Pritchard T, Mares V, Quiroz R (2018) Modalities for Scaling up Sustainable Land Management and Restoration of Degraded Land. Land Degradation & Development 29:3272–3284.
Reed MS, Bryce R, Machen R (2018) Pathways to policy impact: a new approach for planning and evidencing research impact. Evidence & Policy 14: 431-458
Cvitanovic C, Löf M, Nortröm A, Reed MS (2018). Building university-based boundary organisations that facilitate impacts on environmental policy and practice. PLoS One
Reed MS, Duncan S, Manners P, Pound D, Armitage L, Frewer L, Thorley C, Frost B (2018). A common standard for the evaluation of public engagement with research. Research For All
Teel TL, Anderson CB, Burgman MA, Cinner J, Clark D, Estévez RA, Jones JPG, McClanahan T, Reed MS, Sandbrook C (2018) Publishing social science research in Conservation Biology to move beyond biology. Conservation Biology
Chubb J, Reed MS (2018). The politics of research impact: implications for research funding, motivation and quality. British Politics 13: 295-311
Fazey I, Reed MS et al. (2018). Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research. Energy Research and Social Science 40:54-70
Chubb J, Reed MS (2017). Epistemic responsibility as an edifying force in academic research: investigating the moral challenges and opportunities of an impact agenda in the UK and Australia. Palgrave Communications 3: 20
Webb N, Marshall N, Stringer LC, Reed MS, Chappell A, Herrick J (2017) Land degradation and climate change: opportunities for climate resilience in agriculture, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Stringer LC, Reed MS, Fleskens :, Thomas RJ, Le QB, Lala-Pritchard T (2017) A new dryland development paradigm grounded in empirical analysis of dryland systems science. Land degradation and development
Reed MS, Allen K, Dougill AJ, Evans, K, Stead SM, Stringer LC, Twyman C, Dunn H, Smith C, Rowecroft P, Smith S, Atlee AC, Scott AS, Smyth MA, Kenter J, Whittingham MJ (2017) A Place-Based Approach to Payments for Ecosystem Services. Global Environmental Change 43: 92-106
Kenter JO, Reed MS, Fazey I (2016) The Deliberative Value Formation Model. Ecosystem Services 21: 208-217.
Everard M, Kenter JO, Reed MS (2016) The ripple effect: Institutionalising pro-environmental values to shift societal norms and behaviours, Ecosystem Services 21: 230-240.
Kenter J, Reed MS, Irvine, K.N., O'Brien, E., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Christie, M., Cooper, N., Hockley, N., Fazey, I., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Raymond, C., Tett, P., Watson, V (2016) Shared values and deliberative valuation: future directions. Ecosystem Services 21: 358-371.
Irvine KN, O’Brien L, Ravenscroft N, Cooper N, Everard M, Fazey I, Reed MS, Kenter JO (2016) Ecosystem services and the idea of shared values. Ecosystem Services 21: 184-193.
Kusmanoff AM, Fidler F, Hardy MJ, Maffey G, Raymond CM, Reed MS, Fitzsimons JA, Bekessy S (2016) Framing the Private Land Conservation Conversation, Environmental Science and Policy 61: 124-128
Maffey G, van der Wal R, Irvine J, Reed MS (2016) Can digital reinvention of ecological monitoring remove barriers to its adoption by practitioners? A case study of deer management in Scotland. Journal of Environmental Management
Raymond CM, Reed MS, Bieling C, Robinson G, Plieninger T (2016). Integrating different understandings of landscape stewardship into the design of agri-environmental schemes. Environmental Conservation 43: 350-358
de Vente J, Reed MS, Stringer LC, Valente S, Newig J (2016) How does the context and design of participatory decision-making processes affect their outcomes? Evidence from sustainable land management in global drylands. Ecology & Society 21 (2):24
Tarrason D, Ravera F, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, González L (2016) Land degradation assessment through an ecosystem services lens: integrating knowledge and methods in pastoral semi-arid systems. Journal of Arid Environments 124: 205-213.
Favretto, N., Stringer, L.C., Dougill, A.J., Dallimer, M., Perkins, J.S., Reed MS, Atlhopheng, J.R., Mulale, K. (2016). Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to identify dryland ecosystem service trade-offs under different rangeland land uses. Ecosystem Services 17: 142-151
Atlee AC, Reed MS, Carter CE, Scott AJ, Vella S, Hardman M, Neumann RK (2015) Tools for assessing ecosystem services futures: a review. CAB reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 10:024.
Reed MS, Curzon R (2015) Stakeholder mapping for the governance of biosecurity: a literature review. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 12: 15–38.
Kenter JO, O’Brien L,Hockley N, Ravenscroft N, Fazey I, Irvine KN, Reed MS, Christie M, Brady E, Bryce R, Church A, Cooper N, Davies A, Evely A, Everard M, Jobstvogt N, Molloy C, Orchard-Webb J, Ranger S, Ryan M, Watson V (2015). What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Ecological Economics 111: 86-99.
Reed MS, Stringer, L.C., Dougill, A.J., Perkins, J.S., Atlhopheng, J.R., Mulale, K., Favretto, N. (2015) Reorienting land degradation towards sustainable land management: linking sustainable livelihoods with ecosystem services in rangeland systems. Journal of Environmental Management 151: 472-485.
Reed MS, Stringer LC, Fazey I, Evely AC, Kruijsen J (2014). Five principles for the practice of knowledge exchange in environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 146: 337-345.
Hessel R, Reed MS, Geeson N, Ritsema CJ, van Lynden G, Karavitis CA, Schwilch G, Jetten V, Burger P, van der Werff Ten Bosch MJ, Verzandvoort S, van den Elsen E, Witsenburg K (2014) From Framework to Action: The DESIRE approach to combat desertification. Environmental Management 54: 935-950.
Stringer LC, Fleskens L, Reed MS, de Vente J, Zengin M (2014) Participatory evaluation of monitoring and modelling of sustainable land management technologies in areas prone to land degradation. Environmental Management 54: 1022-1042.
Reed MS, Bonn, A., Evans, C., Glenk, K., Hansjurgens, B. (2014) Editorial: Assessing and valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management. Ecosystem Services 9: 1-4.
Evans, C., Bonn, A., Holden, J., Reed M.S., Worrall, F., Evans, M., Glenk, K., Parnell, M. et al. (2014) Relationships between anthropogenic pressures and ecosystem functions in UK blanket bogs: Linking process understanding to ecosystem service valuation. Ecosystem Services 9: 5-19.
Reed MS, Moxey, A., Prager, K., Hanley, N., Skates, J., Evans, C., Glenk, K., Scarpa, R., Thompson, K. et al. (2014) Improving the link between payments and the provision of ecosystem services in agri-environment schemes in UK peatlands. Ecosystem Services 9: 44-53.
Bonn, A., Reed MS, Evans, C., Joosten, H., Bain, C., Farmer, J., Emmer, I., Couwenberg, J., Moxey, A., Artz, R., Tanneberger, F., von Unger, M., Smyth, M.A., Birnie, R. (2014) Investing in nature: developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services 9: 54-65.
Fazey I, Bunse L, Msika J, Pinke M, Preedy K, Evely AC, Lambert E, Hastings E, Morris S, Reed MS (2014) Evaluating knowledge exchange in interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder research.Global Environmental Change 25: 204-220.
Mulale K, Chanda R, Perkins JS, Magole L, Sebego RJ, Atlhopheng JR, Mphinyane W, Reed MS (2014). Formal institutions and their role in sustainable land management in Boteti, Botswana. Land Degradation & Development 25: 80-91.
Maffey G, Reed MS, Irvine J, van der Wall R (2013) Habitat monitoring in the wider countryside: A case study on the pursuit of innovation in red deer management. Journal of Environmental Management 128: 779-786.
Scott AJ, Carter CE, Larkham P, Reed MS, Morton N, Waters R, Adams D, Collier D, Crean C, Curzon R, Forster R, Gibbs P, Grayson N, Hardman M, Hearle A, Jarvis D, Kennet M, Leach K, Middleton M, Schiessel N, Stonyer B, Coles R (2013) Disintegrated Development at the Rural Urban Fringe: Re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice. Progress in Planning 83: 1-52
Reed MS, Hubacek K, Bonn A, Burt TP, Holden J, Stringer LC, Beharry-Borg N, Buckmaster S, Chapman D, Chapman P, Clay GD, Cornell S, Dougill AJ, Evely A, Fraser EDG, Jin N, Irvine B, Kirkby M, Kunin W, Prell C, Quinn CH, Slee W, Stagl S, Termansen M, Thorp S, Worrall F (2013) Anticipating and managing future trade-offs and complementarities between ecosystem services. Ecology & Society 18(1): 5
Perkins JS, Reed MS, Akanyang L, Atlhopheng JR, Chanda R, Magole L, Mphinyane W, Mulale K, Sebego RJ, Fleskens L, Irvine B (2013) Making land management more sustainable: experience implementing a new methodological framework in Botswana. Land Degradation & Development 24: 463-477.
Reed MS, Fazey I, Stringer LC, Raymond CM, Akhtar-Schuster M, Begni G, Bigas H, Brehm S, Briggs J, Bryce R, Buckmaster S, Chanda R, Davies J, Diez E, Essahli W, Evely A, Geeson N, Hartmann I, Holden J, Hubacek K, Ioris I, Kruger B, Laureano P, Phillipson J, Prell C, Quinn CH, Reeves AD, Seely M, Thomas R, van der Werff Ten Bosch MJ, Vergunst P, Wagner L (2013) Knowledge management for land degradation monitoring and assessment: an analysis of contemporary thinking. Land Degradation & Development 24: 307-322.
Reed MS, Podesta G, Fazey I, Beharry NC, Coen R, Geeson N, Hessel R, Hubacek K, Letson D, Nainggolan D, Prell C, Psarra D, Rickenbach MG, Schwilch G, Stringer LC, Thomas AD (2013) Combining analytical frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change and analyse adaptation options. Ecological Economics 94: 66-77.
Reed MS, Bonn A, Broad K, Burgess P, Fazey IR, Fraser EDG, Hubacek K, Nainggolan D, Roberts P, Quinn CH, Stringer LC, Thorpe S, Walton DD, Ravera F, Redpath S (2013) Participatory scenario development for environmental management: a methodological framework. Journal of Environmental Management 128: 345-362.
Fazey I, Evely AC, Reed MS, Stringer LC, Kruijsen J, White PCL, Newsham A, Jin L, Cortazzi M, Phillopson J, Blackstock K, Entwhistle N, Sheate W, Armstrong F, Blackmore C, Fazey J, Ingram J, Gregson J, Lowe P, Morton S, Trevitt C (2012) Knowledge exchange: a research agenda for environmental management. Environmental Conservation 40: 19-36.
Fleskens L, Nainggolan D, Termansen M, Hubacek K, Reed MS (2012) Regional effects of local responses to uncertainty of agricultural water supply in Murcia, Spain. Regional Environmental Change 13: 615-632
Nainggolan D,de Vente J, Boix-Fayos C, Termansen M, Hubacek K, Reed MS (2012) Afforestation, agricultural abandonment and intensification: Competing trajectories in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Envirornment 159: 90-104.
Schwilch G, Bachmann, F., Santos, P., Valente, S., Coelho, C., Laouina, A., Chaker, M., Aderghal, M., Reed MS (2012) A structured multi-stakeholder learning process for sustainable land management. Journal of Environmental Management 107: 52-63.
Whitfield S, Reed MS (2012) Participatory Environmental Assessment in Drylands: Introducing a New Approach. Journal of Arid Environments 77: 1-10.
Prager K, Reed MS, Scott A (2012) Encouraging collaboration for the provision of ecosystem services across multiple scales: rethinking agri-environmental payments. Land Use Policy 29: 244-249.
Nainggolan D, Termansen M, Fleskens L, Hubacek K, Reed MS, de Vente J, Boix-Fayos C (2012) What does the future hold for semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems? Exploring cellular automata and agent-based trajectories of future land-use change. Applied Geography 35: 474–490.
Nainggolan, D, Termansen, M, Hubacek, K, Reed MS, Cebollero, ED (2011). Farmer typology, future scenarios and the implications for ecosystem service provision: a case study from south-eastern Spain. Regional Environmental Change 13: 601-614.
Evely AC, Pinard M, Lambin X, Reed MS, Fazey I (2011) High levels of participation in conservation projects enhance learning. Conservation Letters 4: 116-126.
Ravera F, Hubacek K, Reed MS, Tarrason D (2011) Learning from Experiences in Adaptive Action Research: a Critical Comparison of two Case Studies Applying Participatory Scenario Development and Modelling Approaches. Environmental Policy & Governance 21: 433–453.
Whitfield S, Reed MS, Thomson K, Christie ME, Stringer LC, Quinn CH, Anderson R, Moxey A, Hubacek K (2011) Managing Peatland Ecosystem Services: Current UK policy and future challenges in a changing world. Scottish Geographical Journal 209-230.
Reed MS, Buenemann, M, Atlhopheng J, Akhtar-Schuster M, Bachmann F, Bastin G, Bigas H, Chanda R, Dougill AJ, Essahli W, Evely AC, Fleskens L, Geeson N, Glass JH, Hessel R, Holden J, Ioris A, Kruger B, Liniger HP, Mphinyane W, Nainggolan D, Perkins J, Raymond CM, Ritsema CJ, Schwilch G, Sebego R, Seely M, Stringer LC, Thomas R, Twomlow S, Verzandvoort S (2011) Cross-scale monitoring and assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management: a methodological framework for knowledge management. Land Degradation & Development 22: 261-271.
Buenemann M, Martius C, Jones JW, Herrmann SM, Klein D, Mulligan M, Reed MS, Winslow M, Washington-Allen RA, Lal R, Ojima D (2011) Integrative geospatial approaches for monitoring and assessing the sustainability of land management: rationale, potentials, and characteristics. Land Degradation & Development 22: 226-239.
Nkonya E, Reed MS, Mortimore M, Winslow M, Olukoye G, Mirzabaev A (2011) Monitoring and assessing the influence of social, economic and policy factors on sustainable land management in drylands. Land Degradation & Development 22: 240-247.
Prell P, Reed MS, Racin L, Hubacek K (2010) Competing structures, competing views: the role of formal and informal social structures in shaping stakeholder perceptions. Ecology & Society 15(4): 34.
Fazey I, Perez-Garcia Gamarra J, Fischer J, Christie M, Reed, MS, Stringer LC (2010) Reducing Vulnerability to Future Environmental Change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 414-422.
Fazey I, Evely AC, Latham I, Kesby M, Wagatora D, Hagasua JE, Christie M, Reed MS (2010)Reducing vulnerability: a three-tiered learning approach for collaborative research in the Solomon Islands. Global Environmental Change 20: 713–728.
Reed MS, Evely AC, Cundill G, Fazey I, Glass J, Laing A, Newig J, Parrish B, Prell C, Raymond C, Stringer LC (2010) What is social learning? Ecology & Society 15 (4): r1. [online].
Dougill AJ, Fraser EDG, Reed MS (2010) Anticipating vulnerability in food systems to climate variability and change: challenges of using dynamic systems approaches and the case of pastoral systems in Botswana. Ecology & Society 15(2): 17.
Raymond CM, Fazey I, Reed MS, Stringer LC, Robinson GM, Evely AC (2010) Integrating local and scientific knowledge for environmental management: From products to processes. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 1766-1777.
Quinn CH, Fraser EDG, Hubacek K, Reed MS (2010) Property rights in UK uplands and the implications for policy and management. Ecological Economics 69: 1355-1363.
Reed MS, Dougill AJ (2010) Linking Degradation Assessment to Sustainable Land Management: a decision support system for Kalahari pastoralists. Journal of Arid Environments 74: 149–155.
Reed MS, Bonn A, Slee W, Beharry-Borg N, Birch J, Brown I, Burt TP, Chapman D, Chapman PJ, Clay G, Cornell SJ, Fraser EDG, Holden J, Hodgson JA, Hubacek K, Irvine B, Jin N, Kirkby MJ, Kunin WE, Moore O, Moseley D, Prell C, Quinn C, Redpath S, Reid C, Stagl S, Stringer LC, Termansen M, Thorp S, Towers W, Worrall F (2009) The future of the uplands. Land Use Policy 26S: S204–S216.
Worrall F, Evans MG, Bonn A, Reed MS, Chapman D, Holden J (2009) Can carbon offsetting pay for upland ecological restoration? Science of the Total Environment 408: 26-36.
Stringer LC, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, Twyman C (2009) Local adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: insights to enhance policy in southern Africa. Environmental Science & Policy 12: 748-765.
Reed MS, Arblaster K, Bullock C, Burton R, Fraser EDG, Hubacek K, May R, Mitchley J, Morris J, Potter C, Reid C, Swales V, Thorpe S (2009) Using scenarios to explore UK upland futures. Futures 41: 619-630.
Prell C, Hubacek K, Reed MS (2009) Social network analysis and stakeholder analysis for natural resource management. Society & Natural Resources 22: 501–518.
Chapman DS, Termansen M, Jin N, Quinn CH, Cornell SJ, Fraser EDG, Hubacek K, Kunin WE,Reed MS (2009) Modelling the coupled dynamics of moorland management and vegetation in the UK uplands. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 278–288.
Reed MS, Graves A, Dandy N, Posthumus H, Hubacek K, Morris J, Prell C, Quinn CH, Stringer LC (2009) Who’s in and why? Stakeholder analysis as a prerequisite for sustainable natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 1933–1949.
Stringer LC, Scrieciu SS, Reed MS (2009) Biodiversity, Land Degradation and Climate Change: Participatory Planning in Romania. Applied Geography 29: 77–90.
Foxton T, Reed MS, Stringer LC (2009) Governing long-term socio-ecological change: What can resilience and transitions approaches learn from each other? Environmental Policy and Governance 19: 3–20.
Prell C, Hubacek K, Quinn, C, Reed MS (2008) ‘Who’s in the network?’ When stakeholders influence data analysis. Systemic Practice and Action Research 21: 443-458.
Reed MS (2008) Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review. Biological Conservation 141: 2417–2431.
Reed MS, Dougill AJ & Baker T (2008) Participatory indicator development: what can ecologists and local communities learn from each other? Ecological Applications 18: 1253–1269.
Worrall F, Burt TB, Adamson J, Reed MS, Warburton J, Armstrong A, Evans M (2007) Predicting the future carbon budget of an upland peat catchment. Climatic Change 85: 139-158.
Stringer LC, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, Rokitzki M & Seely M (2007) Implementing the UNCCD: Participatory challenges. Natural Resources Forum 31: 198-211.
Reed MS (2007) Participatory Technology Development for Agroforestry Extension: An Innovation-Decision Approach. African Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 334-341.
Prell C, Hubacek K, Reed MS, Burt, TP, Holden J, Jin N, Quinn C, Sendzimir J, Termansen M (2007) If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: ‘traditional’ versus participatory model building. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32: 1-20.
Reed MS, Dougill AJ & Taylor MJ (2007) Integrating local and scientific knowledge for adaptation to land degradation: Kalahari rangeland management options. Land Degradation & Development 18: 249-268.
Holden, J. Shotbolt, L., Bonn, A., Burt, T.P., Chapman, P.J., Dougill, A.D., Fraser, E.D.G., Hubacek, K., Irvine, B. Kirkby, M.J., Reed, MS, Prell, C., Stagl, S., Stringer, L.C., Turner, A., Worrall, F. (2007) Environmental change in moorland landscapes. Earth Science Reviews 82: 75-100.
Nakafeero AL, Reed MS & Moleele NM (2007) Allelopathic potential of five Agroforestry trees, Botswana. African Journal of Ecology 45: 590–593.
Stringer LC, Reed MS (2007) Land degradation assessment in southern Africa: integrating local and scientific knowledge bases. Land Degradation & Development 18: 99-116.
Reed MS, Fraser EDG & Dougill AJ (2006) An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities. Ecological Economics 59: 406-418.
Fraser EDG, Dougill AJ, Mabee W, Reed MS & McAlpine P (2006) Bottom Up and Top Down: Analysis of Participatory Processes for Sustainability Indicator Identification as a Pathway to Community Empowerment and Sustainable Environmental Management. Journal of Environmental Management 78: 114–127.
Dougill AJ, Fraser EDG, Holden J, Hubacek K, Prell C, Reed MS, Stagl ST, Stringer LC (2006) Learning from doing participatory rural research: Lessons from the Peak District National Park. Journal of Agricultural Economics 57: 259-275.
Stringer LC, Prell C, Reed MS, Hubacek K, Fraser EDG & Dougill AJ (2006) Unpacking ‘participation’ in the adaptive management of socio-ecological systems: a critical review. Ecology & Society 11: 39 [online].
Reed MS, Fraser EDG, Morse S & Dougill AJ (2005) Integrating methods for developing sustainability indicators that can facilitate learning and action. Ecology & Society 10 (1): r3 [online].
Moleele NM, Reed MS, Motoma L & Seabe O (2005) Seed weight patterns of Acacia tortilis from seven seed provenances across Botswana. African Journal of Ecology 43: 146-149.
Worrall F, Reed MS, Warburton J & Burt T (2003) Carbon budget for a British upland peat catchment. Science of the Total Environment 312 (1-3): 133-146.
Reed MS & Dougill AJ (2002) Participatory selection process for indicators of rangeland condition in the Kalahari. The Geographical Journal 168: 224-234.
Reed MS & Clokie MRJ (2000) Effects of Grazing and Cultivation on Forest Plant Communities in Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology 3: 154-162.